European Heritage Label Bureau
At the EHL Bureau we believe in connecting citizens to their heritage. With our outstanding network of 67 European Heritage sites across the EU, the EHL brings the European narrative closer to all European citizens through heritage sites which have all significantly contributed to the European construction.
We manage the EHL community
We are proud to manage the European Heritage Label community, a unique label awarded by the European Commission – every 2 year – to recognize the outstanding European value of heritage sites in Europe and to reward them for their work to promote the European project.
With over 67 sites across Europe, there is always a site next to you.
What do we do for our labelled “European Heritage” sites?
At the EHL Bureau, we believe in co-creation and engagement. Co-creating our vision, active participation of our members in our decision making and joint implementation of our activities with our members through constant engagement and liaison with our members and with our wider European (non-)heritage community.
Since 2023, the EHL Bureau has been actively working on liaising with the EHL Sites in order to develop synergies among EHL members, develop capacities and promote the visibility of the EHL sites.
Looking for new skills?
From site-to-site training to mentoring or ad hoc training, the EHL Bureau provides numerous training sessions to support our EHL Sites managers in finding solutions to their daily challenges – from storytelling to digital media, or fundraising, the variety of topics is unlimited.
Looking for a partner?
While developing activities, the EHL Bureau is a matchmaker, bringing our Sites together in developing joint initiatives promoting European values. You have an idea and willing to turn it into a project and find partners? Look at the Sites map or contact the EHL Bureau to support you in your project development
Looking for more information on the label and on the sites?
The EHL Bureau is developing communication tools and activities in order to provide information on the Label and visibility of our Sites to a constant wider audience. Find out more on our newsletter (EN, FR, DE), events or social media channels. Ask us for visibility items (in your language) to promote the EHL all over the EU!
Looking for funding?
The EHL Bureau is actively supporting our EHL Sites in accessing new funding opportunities through training and research. For our EHL Sites, we have a specific financial support scheme to fund activities.