Published 01 Nov 2023

Organized by EHL Site Mundaneum

EHL Bureau Engages in Discourse on European Identity at Mundaneum Roundtable

On November 23, 2023, the EHL Bureau attended a roundtable discussion on the topic of "What is European Identity?" organized by the EHL Site Mundaneum in Mons, Belgium. The event, held as part of the EUNICE Weeks 2023 festival and co-organized by the Mundaneum and the Université de Mons (UMONS), aimed to delve into the complex theme of European identity within the context of cultural heritage and intellectual discourse.

The EHL Bureau participated in a thought-provoking roundtable discussion titled “What is European Identity?” hosted by the EHL Site Mundaneum on November 23, 2023, in Mons, Belgium.

Vincent Curie, Director of the EHL Bureau, emphasized the pivotal role of European heritage Sites in shaping and preserving European identity. Curie highlighted how these Sites serve as tangible manifestations of European history, culture, and values, fostering a sense of belonging and interconnectedness among European citizens.

“Culture is bringing Europeans together – our European Heritage Label Sites give us so many examples of our common identity – past, present, and future – that we have built for centuries and continue to be proud of!” – Vincent Curie, Director of the EHL Bureau.

The roundtable discussion provided a platform for engaging dialogue among participants, including representatives from academia, cultural institutions, and the local community. Topics explored ranged from the historical significance of European heritage to contemporary issues surrounding identity and belonging in a rapidly evolving global landscape.

The event was part of the EUNICE Weeks 2023 festival, an annual cultural, intellectual, and sports festival dedicated to promoting multicultural intelligence and European unity. Through various events and activities, the festival aims to encourage dialogue and reflection on the diverse facets of European identity and heritage.