Published 19 Sep 2023

Organized by EHL Bureau

EHL Bureau holds Information Session on European Heritage Days Calls

The EHL Bureau, in collaboration with the Council of Europe’s European Heritage Days Team and the European Commission's European Heritage Label Team, hosted an informative session focused on a funding opportunity for European Heritage Label (EHL) Sites. With the aim of assisting interested EHL Sites in navigating the application process for the European Heritage Days Call, the session provided valuable insights and guidance on understanding the various sections of the application form. Held on January 17, 2024, the event attracted 45 attendees eager to learn more about the funding opportunity and gain a better understanding of the application procedures.

The EHL Bureau, in collaboration with the Council of Europe’s European Heritage Days Team and the European Commission’s European Heritage Label Team, hosted an informative session focused on funding opportunities for European Heritage Label (EHL) Sites. Held on January 17, 2024, the event attracted 45 attendees eager to gain insights into the application process for the European Heritage Days Call. Participants received valuable guidance on navigating the application form and heard from representatives of previous winning Sites.

The call for European Heritage Days Stories is an initiative designed to spotlight the narratives behind European Heritage Days events. It provides a platform for passionate individuals, organizations, and associations to share their heritage stories.

During the session, participants had the opportunity to explore the details of the application process through interactive discussions and presentations. The session was designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the requirements and expectations for potential applicants, ensuring that they were well-equipped to submit successful proposals.

A highlight of the event was the sharing session facilitated by the EHL Bureau, featuring representatives from two previous winning Sites – Ostia Antica in Italy and the Migration Museum in Belgium. These Sites shared their firsthand experiences and insights into the application process, offering valuable perspectives on the challenges they encountered and the strategies they employed to overcome them. Their contributions proved invaluable in guiding participants through the application journey, providing practical tips and advice based on real-life experiences.