Published 14 Sep 2023

MigratieMuseumMigration Marks the International Migrants Day

On December 18, 2023, MigratieMuseumMigration held a gathering to observe International Migrants Day, bringing together around 60 individuals for a series of activities.

MigratieMuseumMigration marked International Migrants Day on December 18, 2023, hosting around 60 individuals for various activities, including the premiere of the documentary “Proud to be Mi,” funded by the Council of Europe. Attendees engaged in interactive sessions fostering dialogue on migration and solidarity. The event welcomed Cinemaxilmiiaan, an organisation dedicated to working with migrants through films and documentaries, adding a unique dimension to the day’s proceedings. International Migrants Day, observed annually on December 18th, recognizes migrants’ contributions worldwide, advocating for their rights and promoting inclusivity.

The highlight of the event was the premiere of the video documentary “Proud to be Mi,” made possible through grants from the Council of Europe.

The documentary project focused on exploring diverse identities and youth experiences related to migration. Attendees engaged in interactive activities throughout the day, fostering connections and dialogue around migration and solidarity.

The event welcomed Cinemaxilmiiaan, an organisation dedicated to working with migrants through the medium of films and documentaries, adding a unique dimension to the day’s proceedings.

The participation and engagement levels were noteworthy, reflecting the community’s enthusiasm. Feedback from participants emphasized the positive and informative nature of the event. The interactive theme facilitated meaningful conversations, encouraging individuals to share their perspectives on migration and solidarity.

Each year on December 18th, International Migrants Day is observed globally to recognize and celebrate the contributions of migrants to societies around the world. This day serves as an opportunity to raise awareness about the challenges faced by migrants and to promote the protection of their rights. It also provides a platform for dialogue and reflection on the importance of inclusivity and diversity in our increasingly interconnected world. Through various events and initiatives, communities come together to honor the resilience and cultural richness of migrants while advocating for policies and practices that support their well-being and integration.

MigratieMuseumMigration, an EHL awarded Site, continues to promote inclusivity and cultural exchange, building on the success of this commemoration of International Migrants Day.