
Le Bois du Cazier

The EHL Site

Le Bois du Cazier is a heritage site in the Charleroi region of Belgium. It is most famous for the disaster of August 8, 1956, one of the greatest mining tragedies in Belgian history. The site is representative of the industrial era in Wallonia and includes the mining infrastructure typical of the period. The Bois du Cazier is home to several museums, including the Glass Museum, the Industrial Museum and the Forges Museum.

The site offers an outdoor trail of industrial remains, guided tours, educational activities, nature walks, temporary exhibitions and special events such as concerts and plays.

The Bois du Cazier was opened to the public in 2002, not only as a place of remembrance but also as a museum and tourist attraction, thanks to European funding and the Walloon Region.

European dimension

Le Bois du Cazier reflects aspects of European history and values. As a symbol of the use of manual labour, it embodies the history of worker mobility in Europe, and the 1956 tragedy at Bois du Cazier highlighted European solidarity. The site also serves as a centre for education and collective memory, providing a place where Europe’s industrial history is preserved and passed on. Finally, the site promotes European identity by celebrating a shared cultural heritage, reinforcing the sense of belonging to a united Europe.

The organization

Le Bois du Cazier is managed by an ASBL, which is responsible for maintaining the site, managing the museum and exhibition areas, and organizing educational and cultural activities. It collaborates with several institutions to promote its heritage, education and culture. This includes partnerships with schools, universities and cultural organizations. The site employs professionals specializing in museum management, education, conservation and administration, as well as tour guides.

As far as its missions are concerned, the Bois du Cazier aims to conserve heritage, educate, raise awareness and promote culture and history.

The site offers a range of activities on different themes related to the Bois du Cazier. The aim is to reach out to a variety of audiences, linking the past with the present and preparing for the future.